04 January 2023

Professor Mariusz Jaśniok, DSc PhD CEng

TEACHING activities

Co-author of 3 textbooks published by PWN addressed to students and civil engineers.
Supervisor of 91 diploma theses (including 22 in English). He conducts classes in 22 subjects (including 6 in English) at the first, second and third degree studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology.
He conducted 13 training courses for construction engineers and gave 7 lectures on order.
On his YouTube channel, he publishes didactic tutorials for students of Civil Engineering in English.

Academic didactics


  • lecturer for full-time and part-time programmes in the field of Civil Engineering and Architecture

  • supervizor for 91 diploma thesis (including master's theses and engineering projects) in Polish and English languages, awarded as the advisor for one engineering project

  • trainer in 11 training courses for civil engineers and surveyors

  • speaker at 5 ordered lectures

  • co-author of 3 handbooks published by Scientific Publishing House 'PWN', addressed to students and engineers of civil structures, awarded with the 1-class team prize of the Rector of Silesian University of Technology

  • performer of lecures, exercises, projects and laboratory classes in Polish and English languages

  • lecturer of 11 subjects conducted in Polish and 5 subjects in English


Training courses for engineers


  • 2000 - one-day training seminar for building professionals, organised by the Departament of Building Structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, SUT, on Methods and equipment used in diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures

  • 2002 - training course for workers from the Construction Departament at ERA GSM company organised at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, SUT, on Durability of civil structures

  • ​2002 - training lecture durning technical meetings organised by PZITB Branch in Gliwice on Electrochemical methods for repairing concrete structures

  • ​2004 - one-day training seminar, organised jointly by the Departament of Building Structures and Bridges and PZITB Branch in Gliwice at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, SUT, on Diagnostics of corrosion progression in reinforced concrete structures

  • 2006 - one-day training conference organised by PZITB Branch in Gliwice on Diagnostics and methods of repairing reinforced concrete structures of potential corrosion risk

  • 2007 - training seminar organised by PZITB Branch in Bielsko-Biala on Testing corrosion risk of reinforcement in concrete structures and repair method 

  • 2010 - training lecture ordered by Polimex Mostostal conducted at the International Fair of Road Construction 'AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA' in Kielce, on Protecting reinforcement with zinc coating as a method of improving durability of reinforced concrete structures

  • 2013 - training seminar organised by PZITB Branch in Bielsko-Biala on Corrosion diagnostics of concrete structures

  • 2014 - training seminar organised by PZITB Branch in Bielsko-Biala on Methods of repair and anti-corrosion protection of steel and concrete structures

  • 2015 - training lecture organised by the Silesian Branch of SITPMB FSNT NOT on Corrosion diagnostic of reinforced concrete structures

  • 2015 - training seminar organised by PZITB Branch in Katowice on Corrosion diagnostics of concrete structures and evaluation of results. Modern methods of repairing concrete and reinforced concrete structures

  • 2015 - training seminar organised by PZITB Branch in Opole on Corrosion diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures

  • 2020 - training seminar organised by PZITB Branch in Katowice on Diagnostics of corrosion risk of reinforcement and protective properties of concrete in reinforced concrete structures - innovative research, analysis of results. Modern methods of repairing concrete structures


Performed lectures on order


  • 2006 - Jaśniok M., Zybura A.: Protection and regeneration of concrete structures at corrosion risk, 21-st Polish Conference 'Workshop of Structure Designer', Szczyrk, 8-11 March 2006

  • 2006 - Jaśniok T., Jaśniok M.: Methods of diagnosing corrosion risk of the reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures , 21-st Polish Conference 'Workshop of Structure Designer', Szczyrk, 8-11 March 2006

  • ​2010 - Zybura A., Jaśniok M., Jaśniok T.: Evaluating the durability of reinforced concrete structures and their monitoring, problem focused part: Diagnostics, monitoring and revamping of used civil structures, 56-th Scientific Conference of KILiW PAN and KN PZITB, Kielce-Krynica, 19-24 September 2010

  • ​2012 - Zybura A., Jaśniok M., Jaśniok T.: Evaluating the technical conditions of reinforced concrete structures with reference to its durability, 12-th Science and Technology Conferene 'Workshop of Building Surveyors', Kielce-Cedzyna, 16-18 May 2012

  • 2015 - Jaśniok M.: Tests on corrosion degradation and methods of protecting reinforced concrete against corrosion, Seminar of Polish Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Branch in Łódź, and Department of Building Physics and Building Materials at the Lodz University of Technology, 21 April 2015

  • 2017 - Jaśniok M.: Unconventional methods of protection and regeneration of concrete structures threatened with corrosion, '9-th Silesian  Forum of Investment, Construction, Real Estate', Education and Congress Center of Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, 22 June 2017

  • 2017 - Jaśniok M.: Protection coating of the reinforcement in concrete structures, meeting of Civil Engineering Committee, PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Branch in Katowice, Faculty of Civil Engineering, SUT, 30 June 2017

  1. pl
  2. en
Logo prezentujące najlepszych w sewisie OFERTEO w roku 2019

Links to recommended applications


  • NOZBE - great application for managing tasks and time 

  • WEBWAVE - Polish website creator, in which I made this site 

Company's data


Prof. Mariusz Jaśniok - rzeczoznawca budowlany

address: PL 44-121 Gliwice, 45/4 Szafirowa

NIP: 626-192-52-08   REGON: 362494036

email: mariusz.jasniok@corrtest.pl

website: corrtest.pl

mobile: +48 692 246 710


Links to external sites


  • FULL PROFESSOR at the Silesian University of Technology

  • VICE DEAN for Education of Faculty of Civil Engineering of SUT


  • ORCID - 0000-0002-7628-0710 

  • RESEARCHGATE - international social network for scientists  

  • AKADEMIA.edu - international social network for scientists 

  • WoS - the Web of Science database maintained by Clarivate

  • SCOPUS - scientific database maintained by Elsevier

  • GOOGLE SCHOLAR - professional browser of scientific papers

  • YOUTUBE - channel of CorrTEST company on YouTube 

  • LINKED.IN - social network for business and professional contacts

webmaster: Mariusz Jaśniok

Logo prezentujące najlepszych w sewisie OFERTEO w roku 2019
Logo prezentujące najlepszych w sewisie OFERTEO w roku 2018